• presentation by the exhibition of a cinematograph film | |
चलचित्र: cinema film motion picture movie picture flick | |
चलचित्र फिल्म: cine film चलचित्र cinema film | |
फिल्म: film movie shoot biperforated film motion picture | |
के: K beyond between disentitle except from OF | |
प्रदर्शन: showing viewing theatricals spectacle object | |
द्वारा: past by oneself herewith through per agency from | |
प्रस्तुति: preparation presentation production realisation | |
चलचित्र फिल्म के प्रदर्शन द्वारा प्रस्तुति अंग्रेज़ी में
[ calacitra philma ke pradarshan dvara prastuti ]